Sunday 26 July 2009

Burned Alive by Souad

This is the first non-fiction book I bought and to tell the truth, the main thing that pulled me to it was the enigmatic white mask plus the title itself in bold and red letters.

“Burned Alive” is very evocative and thought provoking nonfiction with victim/narrator and aid worker telling the same story via different point of views.

It revolves around a girl being burnt alive for committing bodily sin in order to uphold the family's honour. In other perspective, this kind of killing would be labeled as "honour killing". Details are not spared in this novel and readers would find themselves cringing on the sheer brutality of the act.

Personal rating: 8 out of 10 (worthwhile read)

1) None

1) It is hoped that this novel will be adapted into silver screen as it would bring forward a stronger message than in print alone.

1 comment:

  1. i felt so sorry for that girl, and her father and bro are so cruel, heartless and such uneducated ppl, and it's her mistake too i mean she should not trust any stranger, he nuked her up then ditched her:/
