Friday 16 October 2009

The Star newspaper - Opinion section - Meritocracy in Malaysia (not published)

It is disheartening to see our top scorers begging for a place to further their studies. I am not sure which is a better option, to continue serving the country of their birth; which does not appreciate them in return or moving out to seek new horizon or greener pasture so to speak.

There must be something wrong with our current policy because we provided almost free education from birth up till end of secondary school only to see their hopes dashed and other nations conveniently offered scholarship to lure our top talents out from the country.

Somehow, our policymaker must have realised these fundamental issues pertaining to our top scorers but chose to close their eyes towards their plight.

All the talk about meritocracy is nothing substantial unless drastic steps are taken to rectify preferably from top down. We cannot achieve Vision 2020 (is it still our vision?) with brain drain happening right in front of our eyes.

Penang, Malaysia

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