Monday 8 February 2010

The Ruthless Billionaire’s Virgin by Susan Stephens

Precaution: These are not a serious reading materials :-)
P/S: I am going to copy and paste the general synopsis on 2 different book reviews :-)

General synopsis
We see a lot of reviews on mainstream books in newspaper columns, magazines, talk shows and etc.
However, after some time, I grew bored and restless after too many thick novels; written on diverse topics and plots.
Thus, I decided to take a breather and read love novels instead.

NOTE #1: notice the usage of plural term here “NOVELS” :-D
NOTE #2: These are not the usual love novels. These are love novels with “LOVE” as in making love and loving each other in it.

Seriously speaking, lurid imagination prevails when I stumbled upon (and bought) titles like “Capelli’s Captive Virgin” and “The Ruthless Billionaire’s Virgin”.
With those eye-catching titles, I’m pretty sure parents will beat their kids silly if they stumbled upon those books hidden underneath their pillows :-D
Anyway, without further ado, here are the reviews (I purposely omitted the names and generalize the storyline) *drum rolls please*:

The Ruthless Billionaire’s Virgin
Note: This is the England Rugby series as evidently shown by the England’s Rugby Rose emblem on the book cover.
It’s about a new-to-the-trade singer getting the ultimate exposure via wardrobe malfunction ala Janet Jackson in a major rugby competition presided by the ruthless billionaire (he’s a rugby fan).
The ruthless billionaire with scars (both physically and emotionally) sweeps her off her feet and whisked her to his private castle in Italy.
The lady (again a fast talking lady) slowly changed the gloom atmosphere of the castle and after another usual stuff mentioned in Note #2, they go back to their separate lives and refrained from keeping in touch with each other.
In the end, the lady managed to heal the ruthless billionaire’s emotional scar and they got married to each other.

Personal rating: N/A

1) N/A

1) N/A

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