Thursday, 4 February 2010

A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks

This is essentially an all American story.

The storyline is so simple that everyone who reads the synopsis at the end cover can basically draft out the overall plot in his/her head.

It is a story about a boy meeting up a lonely, dorky and goody type girl.

The boy initially disliked the idea of being around her or even to keep her company but they ended up falling in love with each other.

BUT THEN… jeng jeng jeng… there’s a twist in the storyline… *as usual :-)*

The girl is dying and the guy can’t do nuts about it…!!

Though Nicholas Sparks wrote this work of fiction on such a simplistic approach, he did it with bravado and managed to weave sentiment, emotion and breathe life into the characters. This is definitely a slow read but I find that the pace is just right for the character build-ups.

The progression of the couple’s relationship is so entwined that when the ball drops (figuratively speaking) towards the end, I had goosebumps all over and got all teary eyed.. I’m not joking.. :-S

This is a real tear jerker kind of book and little wonder it was adapted into silver-screen. I haven’t watched the movie though; perhaps its because I’m still having doubts over any mushy-mushy novel to silver screen adaptation after the disastrous “P.S I Love You” flick.

Personal rating: 7 out of 10 (points accorded by the sentimental side of me :-P)

1) Slow pace of the novel can be a turn-off
2) Novel is based on a common plot which reads like the “Sup Ayam Untuk Jiwa (English translation: Chicken Soup for the Soul)” stories :-D

1) Tear jerker :-S managed to make me have goose bumps and all teary eyed

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