Friday 26 March 2010

Earth Day 2010, 27 March 2010 @ 2030hrs

Guess what, I’ve written about the same topic exactly one year ago… and come to think of it, this blog is officially more than 1 year old :-) Yippee!
It has been a sweet journey penning my thoughts in this very blog..
Not about personal stuff but at least I get to share what I like best.. reading and talking nonsense :-P
On the other hand, I do hope that I can find the time to scan, crop and review all the books which I’ve read previously (before blog sphere was created :-P)

Oh.. Earth Day 2010 is back! Date and time? 27 March 2010 @ 2030hrs.
This time with a vengeance because the hype is everywhere.
It’s touted as an event which will help to create awareness on the Earth’s climate change.
For those who “feel/care deeply” about this Earth Day initiative, please visit the following website:

On a more personal note, I won’t be switching off all my electricity for one hour. In fact, I’m adamant to stick to what I’ve said last year.
To me, this is a good initiative (as an awareness campaign) but it is a hyped up plan nonetheless.
I refuse to participate in the influx of herd mentality simply because I believe the initiative has lost the real meaning over the years.
People will take it at face value that by switching off electricity for one hour/year, we’re already doing our part.

But the truth is deeper than that. Example of things which you can do to help conserve our Mother Earth can be done via one of the following personal initiatives (I do practice what I preached):

1. Do not use cadmium based batteries. Discard all batteries at allocated recycling centers instead of chucking them in your dustbin.
2. Use your own shopping bags. Minimise/eliminate the use of plastic bags.
3. When buying takeaway food from roadside, bring your own containers or tiffin carriers.
4. Use energy efficient light bulbs and electrical appliances.
5. Use as less resources as possible (water, electricity, food and etc).
6. Et cetera.. et cetera…

Don’t feel bad if you’re not following the “in thing/trend”.
If you feel that you’ve done your part to help Mother Earth on daily basis, then be at peace with your own conscience and so be it.

So there you go. Earth Day is coming and the choice is up to you :-)
Happy Earth Day ladies and gentlemen :-)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Earth Day to you too :)! Well, I hope those who switch off their electricity tonight will remember to bring their recycle bags the next time they are out doing their groceries :P.
